Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Hindu trinity and the separation of powers into legislative, executive and judiciary

The Indian trinity consists of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma, the creator of laws, is the legislative branch. Vishnu is the executive branch of the government. Shiva is the judicial branch of the government. Brahma has only one temple left. The legislative branch loses all it's power over time. Shiva, the judicial branch, retains some influence. But it is the executive branch or Vishnu that emerged as the most powerful deity over time. An interventionist Vishnu took incarnations of different animal and human forms and tried to set things right. But that did not prevent the kaliyuga or dark ages from happening.

As the American democracy matures, these are things to ponder over.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Surveillance state no longer a conspiracy theory...........

Wasn't in 1984 but in 2014. Welcome to Obamanation where Snowden goes to jail but Corzine goes free.

Every post (including this one) is being recorded for eternity by NSA. And google, yahoo, facebook, apple, microsoft are all involved.

Monday, March 18, 2013

In Cyprus, bond holders made whole but not insured depositors

More evil solutions in Cyprus

Ordinarily, you would expect shareholders to be wiped out first, followed by preferred shareholders  and then bondholders. And only then should uninsured depositors be touched. The insured depositors should pay only when the insurance provider becomes bankrupt. Or at least, that is what the law was before the weekend. But in socialism, the only law is what a dozen bureaucrats decide to do.  Is it also possible that the German and French banks sold CDS on Cypriot bonds? And they do not want to pay. So, eurocrat socialists will just make up the new laws as they  help mega German and French banks. Ordinary Cypriots are paying for it. 

Of course, there is always a law of unintended consequences. There will be bank runs all around the Southern Europe and a lot of scared money will be flocking to USD.   US markets may hold up a little longer as it absorbs capital fleeing from the evil clutches of Brussels.