Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why is Jon Corzine not in Jail?

MF Global stole hundreds of millions of dollars from customers. Will Jon Corzine go to jail? No, he is well connected. He is doing fundraisers for President Obama. Will anyone go to jail for Solyndra? No, they are well connected. Will anyone resign in the US govt. for supplying deadly weapons to the Mexican drug cartels? No, they are well connected.

Occupy Wall Street communists are angry with the rich. For them, it does not matter how the 1% became rich. Did they steal customer's money like Jon Corzine or did they become rich through honest work like Steve Jobs? It does not matter to the Occupy Wall Street. They only understand rich versus poor. They do not understand honest versus dishonest. How long will a society survive with such morals?

Where is the rage against Jon Corzine?